Pretty Women

Pretty Women
Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd - What can I do for you today sir? Stylish trimming of the hair? Soothing skin massage. Sit sir. Sit.

Judge Turpin - You see sir a man infatued with love. Her ardent amd eager slave. So fetch the pomade and pumice stone and lend me a more seductive tone a sprinkling perhaps of French cologne but first sir I think a shave.

Sweeney Todd - The closest I ever gave*whistles*

Judge Turpin - In a merry mood today Mr. Todd?

Sweeney Todd - Tis your delight sir catching fire from one man to the next.

Judge Turpin - Tis true sir love can still inspire the blood to pound the heartly pyre. What more

Sweeney Todd - What more?

Judge Turpin and Sweeney Todd - Can man require

Judge Turpin - Than love sir

Sweeney Todd - More than love sir

Judge Turpin - What sir?

Sweeney Todd - Women

Judge Turpin - Ah yes women

Sweeney Todd - Pretty women. Now then my friend. Now to your purpose. Patience. Enjoy it. Revenge can’t be taken in haste.

Judge Turpin - Make haste and in this work you’ll be commended sir

Sweeney Todd - My lord…And who may it be said is your intended sir?

Judge Turpin - My ward. Pretty as a rose bud

Sweeney Todd - Pretty as her mother?

Judge Turpin -Huh? What was that?

Sweeney Todd - (spoken)Nothing sir. Nothing.(sung) Pretty women. Fascinating...Sipping coffee,Dancing... Pretty women Are a wonder. Pretty women!
Sitting in the window or Standing on the stair Something in them cheers the air. Pretty women

Judge Turpin - Silhouetted...

Sweeney Todd - Stay within you,

Judge Turpin - Glancing...

Sweeney Todd - stay forever,

Judge Turpin - Breathing lightly...

Sweeney Todd - Pretty women,

Judge Turpin and Sweeney Todd - (together and alternating)Pretty women!
Blowing out their candles (blowing out their candles or) or Combing out their hair, (Combing out their hair then they leave) Even when they leave (even when they leave you and vanish they somehow can still can remain there with you) They still are there. They're there Ah! Pretty women,

Sweeney Todd - At their mirrors,

Judge Turpin - In their gardens,

Sweeney Todd - Letter-writing,

Judge Turpin - Flower-picking,

Sweeney Todd - Weather-watching.

Sweeney Todd and Judge Turpin - How they make a man sing!

Proof of heaven as you're living,

Pretty women!

Sir, pretty women!

Yes pretty women,

Pretty women,

Pretty women,

Pretty women

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"Nós nascemos sozinhos, vivemos sozinhos, morremos sozinhos. Somente através do amor e da amizade podemos criar a ilusão por um momento que não estamos sozinhos."

Orson Wells



Resolutions for life

Resolutions for life

Fale comigo

Meus textos no Me, Myself and I

"Para obter algo que você nunca teve, precisa fazer algo que nunca fez".

"Quando Deus tira algo de você, Ele não está punindo-o, mas apenas abrindo suas mãos para receber algo melhor".

"A Vontade de Deus nunca irá levá-lo aonde a Graça de Deus não possa protegê-lo".

"Boas meninas vão para o céu.

"Boas meninas vão para o céu.
As más vão para qualquer lugar" H.G.Brown


13 de Abril - Dia do Beijo!


Mulher Maravilha

Mulher Maravilha

Visualizações de páginas da semana passada

Robert Pattinson Ai Meu Deus!

Robert Pattinson Ai Meu Deus!
Niver: 13/05




passarinho na gaiola não canta, lamenta.

Yes, I do

Yes, I do

Bruninho bonitinho...

Bruninho bonitinho,
Se vovozinho pegar
Você dormindo no

Meu sofazinho gostosinho,
Vai cortar seu pir*zinho!

TOMA! ! ! ! !


Seja antes de tudo Humano...

Seja antes de tudo Humano...
Com seu próximo!




De volta


Eu Bloggo! Desde 15/01/08

Eu Bloggo! Desde 15/01/08

Avise, deixe BEM claro!

Avise, deixe BEM claro!

Memento, Homo, Quiá Pulvis Es Et In Pulverem Reverteris.

“Lembra-te, ó homem, de que és pó e ao pó hás de voltar”.